Fitness trackers are great, but their applications could go far beyond simply tracking how many steps you take. For example, they could be used to seriously help people who need it — like children with autism.
That’s the idea behind a new health tracker from a company called Awake Labs, which has just launched an Indiegogo campaign for the Reveal — a fitness tracker that’s aimed squarely at helping kids on the autism spectrum.
So how does the Reveal help these kids? Reveal essentially measures the wearer’s body’s response to anxiety, helping understand the behavior patterns that take place before a “behavior meltdown.” It means that the tracker will be able to detect when the wearer is going to have a behavior breakdown before it even occurs, allowing a caretaker or the wearer themselves to ease the situation before it gets out of control. This prevents breakdowns, but it also could increase the independence of the wearer.
Reveal fitness tracker records stressors for children with autism