For Peete’s Sake is an American reality television series starring Holly Robinson Peete, Rodney Peete, their four kids, and her mom, Dolores. It premieres on March 19, 2016 on the Oprah Winfrey Network, as part of its Saturday-night reality lineup. Holly Robinson Peete has her plate full for the next couple of months. The “21 Jump Street” actress has a reality show debuting on the OWN network and she plans to release book about autism, titled “Same But Different” that she co-authored with two of her children. The 52-year-old actress…
Read MoreDay: March 17, 2016
Tool Could Modify Genes to Treat Cancer, Autism
A new technique could allow scientists to edit and repair the human genome, and perhaps one day treat diseases or conditions linked to our genes. Researchers have figured out how to use the gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9, on the messenger RNA that carries genetic instructions from the cell’s nucleus to make new proteins. The experiment, by scientists at the University of California, San Diego, could lead to new treatments for diseases caused by malfunctions in the messenger RNA, such as fragile X syndrome, some types of cancer, autism and…
Read MorePa. to become 1st state to add autism as qualifying condition for medical marijuana
Click here to read full story at HARRISBURG, Pa. —Pennsylvania is set to become the first state in the country to explicitly stipulate autism as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. That will happen if the amended version of the bill, a “functional medical marijuana bill,” passes the Senate and gets a signature from the governor. “Functional” states list out the ailments for which doctors can prescribe medical marijuana. In addition to autism, the House-passed version of the bill lists 16 other eligible conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and cancer.…
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